Donegal Person Of The Year Case Study

Donegal Person of the Year Annual Gala Ball & Awards Night Ceremony (600 guests).

Organised by the Donegal Association of Dublin, the Donegal Person of the Year Award has been running since 1978. Past winners include soccer goalkeeper Shay Given, playwright Brian Friel, and Altan lead singer Mairéad Ní Mhaonaigh. The award is announced in January, and is formally presented to the winner at the Donegal Association’s Annual Gala Ball in March.

The Annual Gala Ball is always a highly anticipated and elegant black tie event, with the highlight being the presentation of the award to the Donegal Person of the Year. The HiJack team worked closely with the organising committee and venue hosts in the year when Riverdance founder Moya Doherty was chosen as the winner.

The event was held in the Bonnington Hotel (formerly the Regency), and was a resounding success, thoroughly enjoyed by the 600 guests who attended. Given the high profile of the winner, it was no surprise that the event attracted the attentions of national media. A number of Moya’s celebrity friends were also present, including broadcaster Gay Byrne.

Following a sumptuous sit down dinner, the audience was treated to a wonderful evening’s entertainment, featuring magical performances from the Riverdance Troupe – naturally! – together with songs from top Irish singers Brian Kennedy and Mary Coughlan, plus speeches from the organisers and the Donegal Person of the Year herself, Moya Doherty.

The HiJack team took care of the full production of the night’s entertainment, including AV facilities, the floor plan, stage management and MC-ing the proceedings. In addition, the team produced a professional quality video of the evening, filming the performances and recording interviews with Moya Doherty, the entertainers, the Donegal Association committee and other important guests.

The Donegal Person of the Year is a prestigious and high profile event, so it is especially important that the associated Annual Gala Ball is well organised and professionally run: and once again, the HiJack team met and exceeded those objectives.

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