LED Dancers Case Study (Pendulum Summit Dublin 2019)

LED Dancers Case Study Pendulum Summit Dublin 2019

Showpiece LED Dancers for Opening & Closing Ceremonies (7,000 attendees).

The Pendulum Summit is the world’s leading business, leadership and self-empowerment summit. It is organised by former rugby international Frankie Sheahan, who won 29 caps for Ireland. The first annual summit was held in Dublin in 2014, and in 2018, the programme was expanded to New York. The five key pillars of the summit are:

  • Self-empowerment and mental resilience
  • Authentic relationships
  • Leadership and team performance
  • Business excellence
  • Professional and wealth elevation.

Speakers at the 2019 event in Dublin included luminaries such as John Cleese, Colin Farrell, Boris Johnson and Miriam O’Callaghan. More than 7,000 business professionals and private individuals from Ireland and across the world attended this year’s summit. The enthusiastic audience were treated to speeches from leading figures from the worlds of sport, politics, entertainment, business, media, art and motivational speaking. Many leading CEO’s, important decision makers, market influencers and famous media personalities attended the summit. With such a high powered and demanding audience, the organisers wanted to start and finish the event with something truly memorable and out of the ordinary.

HiJack were delighted to be selected to be part of the prestigious Pendulum Summit, with our LED Dancers featuring in the opening and closing ceremonies. This was the first time that LED dancers had been used in such a way in Ireland, and they ensured that the summit started with a bang on the first morning. Equally, the performance of the LED dancers at the closing ceremony meant that there was also a memorable finale.

Norma Sheahan, Pendulum Summit Co-Founder, was very pleased with both performances.

“The LED Dancers from HiJack put on an incredible show to open and close proceedings. We began the event at 8.45 am, so the dancers were a great way to wow the audience first thing and set them up for the day’s programme. And the fabulous closing show meant the audience went home with an unforgettable memory.”

HiJack CEO Kevin Rowe was delighted at the reaction to the LED dancers.

“Our intention was to ensure that the Pendulum Summit started and finished with something spectacular. Judging by the reaction of the organisers and audience, I think we achieved that goal. A number of people told me that they’d never seen anything like it and how impressed they were.”